Last night my husband came home and completly tore into me. I was told that the the house was to messy or in his exact words "You must like to live like a pig" They house wasnt perfect but it wasnt trashed. There was a few dishes in the sink from dinner, a load of laundry in the bathroom I hadnt gotton to and a few toys on the playroom floor. Thats it!!!! I was then told that I had let myself go and gotton fat since I've had our 2 kids. I stand 5 ft tall and where a size 2 for christ sake!!!!! No my tummy isnt as flat as it use to be but after a c-section with my last one it never will be short of having a tummy tuck. I mean I'm not one of those stay at home moms that run around in sweat pants day in and day out. I do my hair and make up , etc...... 90% of that time as long as my kids arent sick or we arent having a super crazy day. I dont get what his problem is???? I've refused to speak to him since this last night.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
Although I wouldn't want to add fuel to the fire, at a size 2 you are probably as small as you should ever be. Don't make yourself sick or unhealthy because he had a bad day. I don't blame you for being mad. Just because you are a stay-at-home mom doesn't mean you are a maid or a slave to your home. He needs to get over being so perfect. Your biggest charge in life are your children. The dishes will be there later, but that little smile from your precious ones will not. I think you are doing great!
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
sounds like he had a bad day at work and took it out on u. find out whats really bothering him. or maybe he's cheating.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
Wow talk about an immature relationship. I think the better question to be asking is why did you agree to marry such a jerk? And why is he starting this all of a sudden?
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
He trying to control you
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
Maybe he's going through male menopause...
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
it's called displacement.. he probably had a bad day at work so he took it out on you..
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
He sounds like a flaming asshole.
Dump him.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
maybe you guys should see a u think something happened in his day that he was angry about?
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
i highly doubt this happened. it sounds like you watch too many talk shows.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
he is a jerk! that's emotional/mental abuse and you shouldn't tolerate it.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
becuase you are letting him treat you like that. just walk out of the room if you can't leave the house. NOONE should ever talk like that to you. hold your head high and don't stand for it.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
If his behavior last night was unusual then I think you should talk to him to find out why he acted like that. Once you know why you'll have a better idea of what to do.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
Wow, your husband is a jerk.
Most men would never talk to their wife like that!
He needs to grow-up.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
It is not an excuse for him, but sometimes men who have wives that are stay at home moms harbor resentment. Sometimes this comes out as some mean comments now and then. I'd just tell him that his comments hurt your feelings and that you work hard to keep your house running properly. It doesn't matter if there are some things out of place sometimes, your house is where you live, it's not a museum.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
usually person is reacting like that if they did something wrong
it is good cover up but it is sloppy way
if you are not happy run away while you have time and courage
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
Sweetie my boyfriend tells me the same thing and we are not married i had a c section with my son and it want go flat but u should never let ur husband put u down do like i do ket it go in onw ear and out the other keep ur head up the real reason he is betting u up and talking down to u is that he feels bad about him self.. don't stoop down to his level let him be a jerk by him self i hope things work out for u
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
I am SHOCKED, what a prick I was just going to say man rags, but thats really unfair.
I know how you feel, everynight when my partner gets home from work the house is clean, there might be a few toys on the lounge room floor or a couple of glasses in the sink because I dont see the point in doing the dishes more than once a day when you are trying to look after children and actualy LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!. And last night when I went to talk to him about his dog chewing everything in the house he went crazy and said pretty much what your husband said to you, he didn't call me fat because I would of kicked his **** (8mths preggers) but he was saying the house is always messy and I'm a useless whore who doe snothign all day.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
he must have had a bad day. or something.
theres nothing wrong with you, manybe hes a man that wants you to be a stay home mom. Theres nothing wrong with saty home mom, my moms one and i love her for it.
you had two kids, your in better shape than women who had none, and even many teenage girls.
He must have some issues he needs to work out. Therapy??
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
He has no right talking to you that way! You spend all day taking care of the house and kids and he should respect you for that. If he has a problem with the way you are doing things just tell him that he is more than welcome to do those things himself. He owes you an apology!
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
Well you are married to him and that makes it hard to just up and leave. I think that he is being a jerk and is not taking into consideration what you DO do all day rather then what you are NOT doing. Men dont always get that. Sometimes you just have to spell it out to them what you have done all day and that you are only one person and if it bothers him so much to help you out and then it wont be messy because the two of you will be working together and keeping things nice looking. Also you mentioned toys so I am assuming you have kids. I dont know how old they are but its never too soon to teach them how to pick up and keep things tidy. Make it like a game. A fun pick up game and reward them for helping you. This way you get your house work done and they are learning valuable lessons they will use later in life and discipline.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
if this is not normal of him then my guess is that you are not actually the problem.
He unfortunatley is taking it out on you because he loves you and its easy to take it out on the ones you love.
I would sit down with him and try and get to the bottom of it and find out why he is feeling like this chances are he is having a really hard time at work or something else is the problem not you.
I wouldnt take it to heart. even though its not nice what he is saying to you.
Make him a surprise dinner and maybe he will open up and tell you what is really wrong with him. Remember guys usually find it hard to deal with emotions.
Good luck, you dont deserve to be treated like this.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
He must have been mad about something else before he got home and then picked a fight with you. My ex-wife used to do that to me and I would tell her I won't fight with you because your mad about someone or something else. You should make him apologize before you let it go. It may take three days but he will eventually.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
he's cheating. somebody that he seems to think is better is catching his attention. keep your chin up. my ex. did the same thing. I'm 6'3" and I'm not in bad shape. she accused me of cheating and tore into me that the house was a mess even though she only worked 4 days a week. also that i wasn't treating her well. it's not that he's frustrated at work. you don't say those things to the woman that is your anchor in the world. he's guilty of something. if you need to talk email me
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
keep giving him the cold shoulder I would even go as far as making him sleep on the couch. But it sounds like your husband thinks because he works and you stay at home he controls everything I would keep my eyes open on his attidude from now on. not saying he will get phyiscally abusive but he did get verbally abusive and that's the next step. if he doesn't apologize talk to him when the kids are in bed and tell him that a size 2 is not fat. and that being a mom dealing with the kids and house work is a lot of work and if he thinks it's so easy then maybe he should stay home and you go to work. see how hardd it is for him then.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
he's a jerk because he's stressed and frustrated. men are simpler than women. if he's not getting sexy playtime and being told he's the best provider, he's going to feel like he's not doing his share. he'll then take it out on those he loves.
if you can't fix this by yourself then run to a marriage counselor. those kids need to see 2 parents that work through things. good luck!
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
That is a sign of verbal/mental abuse!
It is possible he had a bad day! That is no excuse but might explain it.
5'0" and a size 2!
Tell him that if he doesn't appreciate your appearance, and domestic skills, you can find someone that WILL like you and he can hire a maid!
Bet that gets a reaction! :)
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
I'd talk to him and see if he's had any extra stress at work or whatever. Sometimes men can be just as finnicky as women. When he comes home today, have the house all nice and freshly clean, and get a bit dressed up. Do your hair and makeup, and wear an outfit you know he likes. Suggest that you find someone to watch the kids, and make it a night for you and him ALONE at home. See what happens then.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
well I don't know why maybe he had a sh**y day.. that still does not give him the right talk to you the way he did.....I am sorry for that....may I add though I am a stay at home Mom (3 kids) and I do not and never have walked around in sweats I don't even own any...and I do wear make up and I do my hair....I am sorry he was a jerk to you but I took offense to your stay at home Mom jab..that was not fair....
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
Most likely your husband had a bad day at work, couldn't take it out with anyone at work, so lucky you, you were his punching bag. This still doesn't excuse his rude words and behavior.
You are right to refuse to speak to him after he tore into you that way. How dare he ? A few questions: does he do any cooking, cleaning, laundry, care for the children when he comes home from work ? If he doesn't, then I suggest that you give him the opportunity of doing everything, and he can see what it entails. Then he'll think twice before he complains.
And regarding your body, ask him how many children he bore, and how many C-sections he endured. Also let him know that you will be working out sat a gym, while he does tasks at the house, cooks and cares for the children. In the future, you'll also be getting your hair done regularly, along with manicures, and pedicures.
If seen it so many times how women sacrifice themselves and their interests to care for the house, husband, and children while also working full-time. And instead of being appreciated for all they do, they are taken for granted and abused. If you don't care for yourself, they won't either.
You have turned over a new leaf, and will now become a "Miss America" at his time and expense. Touche !
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
It sounds like your husband's love language is "Acts of Service." It also sounds like he just had a really bad day at work and took it out on you, which he shouldn't have done, but it's done, so....
Don't let this eat at you. Forgive him, do a spring cleaning, and make him an awesome dinner. Then gently tell him that he hurt your feelings with his comments. Empathize with him that you realize he probably just had a bad day. Watch him shrink in his chair.
This will not only diffuse his argument against you, you will feel better not giving into anger.
Why is my husband such a jerk?????
By you simply coming to us first and not your husband, shows lack of communication between you two. By your description of what happened last night I didnt see wrong-doing on your part. He's simply a JERK! If he cant realize how lucky he is to have a wife who gave him two (i'm guessing )brilliant and wonderful kids, that's his lost. Throw him out door, only then will he realize how great he had.
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