Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why am I so embarassed by my son? He is 11 and in the second grade.?

I feel bad all of the time for the way I feel about it. I sent to see him in a play , he is larger than the other kids and the most disgusting thing is that he is one half black and one half white. I wanted a white child but screwed up and got this black woman pregnant. I was drunk..when I did it and tried to use that to force her to get an abortion. I tried to scare her with affects of alchohol on unborn children. The WORST THING IS THAT HE HAS THAT NAPPY HAIR....and it is horrid. The kid is a sweet kid but I can not longer look at him , especially on stage...trying to sing.......

Why am I so embarassed by my son? He is 11 and in the second grade.?

I feel sorry for the poor dumb kid he must of ended up with all your genes you should of been warned against reproducing. but there maybe a hope for both of you if they legalize stem cell research they maybe able to inject a brain in both you heads

Why am I so embarassed by my son? He is 11 and in the second grade.?

get a therapist for you, there are million of people that would do anything to have a child, no matter how, no matter who, no matter skin color, hair type, nothing.

you have deep troubles, not your child but you, get some help so you don't make his life miserable.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? He is 11 and in the second grade.?

If I even believed you, I'd say you were a moron for screwing around. You don't like Black people? So why sleep with one? You weren't married and trying to get a woman pregnant? What man does that? You didn't know how babies were made? And 11 in the 2nd grade? NO ONE believes you. NO ONE.

For that reason, I'd say you were a moron for writing this obviously phony question.

This is how I know I'm superior to racists. They are all sooo dumb. And it's ironic how you tried to portray this "mixed" kid as dumb, all the while showing how stupid you are.

Thanks for PROVING I'm superior to you.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? He is 11 and in the second grade.?

Your not embarassed about him just of yourself because you made the poor choice of getting the lady pregnant. Its not the kid's fault that he was born.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? He is 11 and in the second grade.?

lmaoooooo i know ur di ckin around but thats just messed up man

Why am I so embarassed by my son? He is 11 and in the second grade.?

i just want to tell u that ur a ****** up father its not his fault that hes not what u want him to be and that hes mixed im black and all black people have nappy hair it sounds like ur racis to me its ur fault u got drunk and got her preganant ur stupid u must of lived in a crack house they probably gave too much crack to make u turn out like this

Why am I so embarassed by my son? He is 11 and in the second grade.?

HA this is obviously a work of fiction. like a bad novel

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