Friday, July 24, 2009

Looks wise, what can I expect having an interracial baby?

(No prejudice answers, please. If you don't agree w/ interracial relationships, please leave.)

Well, I'm having a baby, and I'm praying that it's a boy. I'm wondering what it may look like. What do you think judging from my descriptions?

Me (Mommy): I'm half white/ half puerto rican. I have very light skin, I look full white. I tan easily, but I'm naturally very white. I have hazel eyes, and I'm about 5' 7''. My hair color is brown.

Daddy: Medium skin toned. He's about the same complection as Tupac Shakur or Denzel Washington, just to give you an idea. He's 5' 7'', brown eyes, black hair.

My friend told me the kid will probably be light skinned, and since the father is on the darker side, the kid will probably looked more like he's light skinned black then mixed, with a skin tone similar to T.I. or Nelly.

What do you think, from your experiences?

Looks wise, what can I expect having an interracial baby?

There's no way to tell... I knew a brother and sister who's mother was white, and father black..The girl came out black, the boy it just depends on the genes!!!

By the way: you shouldnt be so rude about people who are against interracial relationships..they believe what they want to,just as well as you can.

Looks wise, what can I expect having an interracial baby?

No way to tell... there could be recessive genes in both of you that cause an unexpected result. Just wait and see.

Looks wise, what can I expect having an interracial baby?

While many children end up with a nice blend of both skin tones, it is still variable and some children can be very dark or very light skinned. There's no way to predict, just like any couple, interracial or not, you'll have to wait and see.

Looks wise, what can I expect having an interracial baby?

My daughter just had me a grandson under almost the same circumstances and the baby is almost as white as her, but that don't mean nothing there next child may be as dark as him.

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