Friday, July 24, 2009

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

I feel bad all of the time for the way I feel about it. I went to see him in a play at school, he is larger than the other kids because he is 11 and in the 2nd grade. Tthe most disgusting thing is that he is one half black and one half white. I never thought that I would have one of "those" . I wanted a white child but screwed up and got this black woman pregnant when I was younger. PLEASE DO NOT HOLD THAT AGAINST ME...I WAS DRUNK AND COULD NOT TELL SHE WAS BLACK.....i tried to get her to abort but she would not...I told her that alchohol would cause birth defects....I tried to find drugs out of the usa that would abort the child but could not.... The WORST THING IS THAT HE HAS THAT REALLY CURLY HAIR THAT BLACK CHILDREN HAVE......and it is horrid. The kid is a sweet kid but I can not longer look at him.. He is trying but I can not any longer. Now my wife is pregnant with another mans baby....God only knows what "it" will look like or be.

PLEASE HELP ME%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

you need to help that child get out of 2nd grade. come his a little to old.maybe if you wounldn;t get drunk you wont be in this situation. you cant judge someone by how they look. the child is yours and you should show him love. uncondition love. thats what a good father would of done. maybe you need to help someone else like him and stop being embrassed of what you created.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

You are a terrible person and do not deserve children!!!!!!

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

You are "horrid"...I can't look at you!

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

he,s your son, enough said.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

Wow you are a complete a*s*s. Do you retards have anything better to do with you life then to ask dumb as questions that only you think are funny. Get a life.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

You're very creative. You should submit your stories to the TV studios. This would be perfect for Desperate Housewives (when their surrogate mother had a black baby) or maybe My Name is Earl (Darnell %26amp; Joy's kid)

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

You need professional help. And saying I was drunk and couldn't tell she was black is your responsiblity. Have some accountablity in this, after all he is you CHILD. You are a racist and a biggot. Sad to say your son is already paying the price of your irresponisblities. How in the world could you hate your own child? You need some serious help. And, the way you talked about looking for ways to abort him is sick. You are truly a very sick man. I pity you.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

Ashamed of yourself!

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

just pay your child support and keep out of his life, he'll be better off

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

cut your dick off . and don't make anymore babies. cause your are a disgrace of human being

100% and proud

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

do the kid a favor and just give his mom the money to raise him on her own. that way you don't have to "look" at him. i'm sure his mom doesn't really want you to influence the kid. she just needs your money. so do her the favor and pay child support and stay out of this poor kids life.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

oh my god. I honestly cannot BELIEVE that you're saying this about your son. While I realise that I'm not going to be getting ten points ofr this answer, you need to listen to me. IT IS NOT YOUR SON'S FAULT THAT HIS DAD IS A SELF-INVOLVED JERK WHO CANNOT SEE BEYOND THE PLAINLY OBIVOUS. You idiot, what is wrong with being black???!! You jerk, you've gone and offended half of the yahoo users, and you ought to be ASHAMED of yourself. WHAT'S FRICKING WRONG WITH BEING BLACK? I'm not black personally, but who cares? They are beautiful, everybody is beautiful (except you maybe) and what is on the outside is nothing compared to what's on the inside. You are extremely shallow. That little boy doesn't deserve such a disgusting father. Go the a shrink and get yourself sorted out because that little boy does not deserve to be raised by such a disgusting example of a human being.

Franlky, I'm so angry that I can't even type correctly without wanting to puch your ugly face in. Jacka$$. What a complete B******.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

I don't know what's worse.... the fact that the question was answered (although quite creative) or the fact that you people are really answering like it is a serious question. First of all if this really did happen it would only happen to a backwood country red neck that wouldn't know what to do with a computer if he saw one. So for you people that serioulsy answered his question and actually put some thought into the answer, you all are just as stupid as he is....

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

Don't blame that child, it's not his fault. God gave that child to you, so the least you can do is be a decent father. Don't mistreat him, or abuse him. One day when you're alot older, you may have to depend on this kid. I would never be embarrased of my matter what. They don't deserve to be treated like that.

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

You're a jerk! How could you post a question like this???!!! ABOUT YOUR OWN SON???!!!!! You need some serious help, 'cuz anyone that can ask a question like this is mental. There's NOTHING wrong with your child. You are a jerk for thinking it's bad to be multi-racial...YOU RACIST! Geez, why are there parents like you out there????? Now you're saying you were drunk %26amp; didn't know the woman you're with was an African American. African Americans don't have diseases! There's nothing wrong with them! I'm sure she feels like she screwed up too WITH YOU!!! Geez, she needs to leave you %26amp; take her son THAT YOU'RE ASHAMED OF!!!!!! You're so RACIST that you can't even see straight!!!! Your son %26amp; your wife are not below you BUT FAR ABOVE! I'M SURE THEY'RE ASHAMED OF YOU AS WELL %26amp; I couldn't blame them at all. I realize that I'm not gonna get the 10 points, but I couldn't care less at this point!!!!!! I can't belive you told her to have an abortion..YOU SICK MAN!!!!!!!!! Give your girlfriend/wife all the money you have, so she can go buy a house %26amp; take care of her 2 kids. You give men a HORRIBLE name!!!!!!!!! Instead of being such an idiot %26amp; being RUDE to YOUR OWN FLESH %26amp; BLOOD, go APLOGIZE to your son for being such a horrible father. I'm SOOOOOOOOO angry that I can't even type. Go get PROFFESSIONAL help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

he's your son.... you be proud of him.... no matter what

size, shape, or form.... you love him with everything you can offer...... stand up and be a man for once in your life....

Why am I so embarassed by my son? (see below and please respond)?

Dude, you are so beyond help.

How dare you blame the boy's mother for him. How dare you talk about how "horrible" he is.

Now you're worried about what kind of child your wife will have?

You're a Neanderthal and I feel sorry for your children, the boys' mother, and your wife.

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