Friday, July 24, 2009

Girl Thing...?

Every-so-often ( 5-7 days) I've been getting this sticky white stuff in my underwhere. I'm 11 1/2, and I just started getting it. A week or so ago. ( I know all about periods and stuff so don't talk to me like a little kid) I have pubic hair, and I wear a size b cup. I'm pretty much developed. [never had a period before though]


Girl Thing...?

it means that you're about to have ur first period!

Girl Thing...?

This is discharge, perfectly healthy and probably a sign ur period is coming soon. Talk to a trusted female about it, like your mum. :)

Girl Thing...?

It's discharge. Every girl gets it don't worry. It means your in puberty which obviously you already were in. Get some pantyliners at a grocery store (the keep the discahrge from getting in your underwear). I would also get some pads because it sounds like you may be getting your period soon! Good luck!

Girl Thing...?

It's your discharge which means you are going to get your period very soon. This happens to pretty much every female, very natural and very healthy. Tell a trusted adult such as your mom about it, and get some pads. Also, you can get pantyliners at a grocery store to keep it from going on your underwear. Good luck!

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