Saturday, August 1, 2009

Looking for a dog?

i want a small dog about 10-25 pounds

i also want a dog who is friendly towards strangers and other pets (dogs and cats). what i dont want is a dog that is TOO hyper like a jack russell but i want the dog to be affectionate towards me and my family. i have neighbors who have small children so the dog would have to be good with kids.and i would like a dog that doesnt have long hair like a poodle. i know i am being specific but i would like these traits in a dog. so could u give me some suggestions on a breed. it doesnt have to have all of the traits.

thx in advance!

: )

Looking for a dog?

best site to find a perfect dog!!! have fun! Adopt!

Looking for a dog?

Go to the Website below and you should figure out what kind of dogs suits you. Good Luck!

Looking for a dog?

go to your local pet store/ lollipop farm or something and they have tons of cute pets in need. (also check pet smart)

Looking for a dog?

Shih tzu! They are great dogs to have if there are small children around. They have longer hair, but they require grooming.. so that might be a problem. Shih Tzu's are great in almost every aspect.. I grew up with 5 of them :) Now I have a mini dachshund (bad with kids/strangers if not socialized), basset/beagle and 2 border collie mixes.

If the long hair is an issue, just go to the animal shelter and find one that fits your requirements!

Looking for a dog?


The average lifespan is about 12.3 years!

They're generally friendly, and medium sized.

They also seem to do good with large and small families -- and open their hearts to other pets as well.

And I think the miniature littlefield sheepdog would be good to. Here's a pic of both:

The Miniature littlefield sheepdog :

The Beagle:

Looking for a dog?

Go to because you can adopt, and they have icons that let you know if it's good with kids, other pets, its age, personality, breed, etc. You really never know with a dog, they really take on your personality. When I got my chihuahua, she was so stand off-ish and subdued that I was afraid she'd be shy and boring all her life. But after like a month, she was a spitfire like me. My friends' dogs are the same way. They really do kind of emulate your energy. The great thing about adopting a dog though is that you'll know its previous experience and personality up until now.

Looking for a dog?

Calvier Charles King Spaniels.

They don't bark much.

Aren't too hyper.

15-25 pounds.

Awsome with kids.

Small and easy to train.

Most important: Cute and loveable!!

Hope this helps.

Looking for a dog?

that's good you know what you want. i think a dachshund would be perfect! i have had experience with dachshunds, love them to death and would recommend them to anyone. a dachshund fits all of your standards.

Looking for a dog?

I don't know what kind of dog it is but contact jeta b he or she beat a puppy and the puppy need a good home.

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