Saturday, August 1, 2009

Scene makeup?

for haloween im going as a scene kid and i think i have the hair down i just need the makeup down can anyone help point out websites that could help me w. the makeup?

Scene makeup?

okay just so you know. scene kids DO NOT WEAR BLACK LIPSTICK!! =] considering i am scene i think i'd know.

uhm but i usually wear black eyeliner and black eye shadow in the top of my eyelid.. just on the eyelid and then under the eyebrow i wear different colors.. usually white or a bright blue green yellow or pink

since its halloween u can be extra crazy and get away with it =]

tease ur hair too! its fun .

Scene makeup?

do sceney makeup would be my guess!

Scene makeup?

Ah I remember when 8th grade my makeup was all scene.

Well I suggest bright colors, don't be afraid to experiment with those bright colors. Especially on the eyes, get a smoky yet bright eye. Different colors are usually worn at once as long as they are bright and bold. The most commom style is bright pink under the eyes with purple, blue,green, or yellow on the top or sides..or any combination of colors

Hope i helped.


Scene makeup?


Scene makeup?

scene as in emo?

okay liquid liner top and bottom. black lipstick. a really crappy light foundation. grey eyeshadow. stuf like that. duh.

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