Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cats or Dogs.?

If you have a dog The Benefits are great

Your gas mileage gets better

Your Hair looks Fuller

Your Boss gives you a raise

Your Kids get into a Great College

Your Jump shot is better

Your food taste better

Your grammar is Dramatically improved

You can Whitsle better

You can run Faster

Cheese cake is now a health food

Your favorite Sports team wins all the time

Your Spouse no longer yells at you

Your Kids listen to you

Your Lawn is much Greener then your Neighbors

Your car is alot faster

Your in laws stop visiting

And lastly you become instantly smarter and better looking.

Now Cats

Your House smells like burnt pee

Your Neighbors steal you paper

Your kids start selling drugs

You lose your job

You lose your hair

You sweat when you eat

You develope a urinary tract infection

You are no longer invited to fancy dinner partys

Your teeth Fall out.

Why Risk it get a Dog

Cats or Dogs.?

what do you know! least a cat won't hump your leg 'just because'

Cats or Dogs.?


Cats or Dogs.?


Cats or Dogs.?


Cats or Dogs.?

that's right!!!

Cats or Dogs.?

Dogs ^_^

Cats or Dogs.?

um well i was gonna say dog but are you sure that stuff is true? cause ive had a cat before and none of that happened..

Cats or Dogs.?

NONE of the above apply here, and I have 4 cats and this dog!

Cats or Dogs.?

Man, that's a lie from hell! I still say cats! That's a load of BS!

Cats or Dogs.?


Cats or Dogs.?

I do love dogs

But for cats

If you have a Cat

you have no more Rats

Cats or Dogs.?

I have a dog.

Cats or Dogs.?

Dogs- it is not even close. Now if you have 2 cats you can make a pair of mittens out of them.

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