Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mean little boy?

I need help my son is 18 months old and he is mean when he is around other kids he hits them and pulls their hair he will even pick up things to hit them with also when I try to correct him like pat him on the hand or spank him on the butt he will hit back he will litteraly run after you to hit you when you walk away he will also throw things at me.I dont know what else to do nobody wants to be around him please help.

Mean little boy?

Although it seems a bit barbaric for todays maybe he just needs to be spanked.

Mean little boy?

First of all, stop hitting your son. Hitting your son teaches him that hitting is how to solve his problems as well. See how that works?

Get the book "The Explosive Child" on or any bookstore. It's $10 and it's the best money you will ever spend. If you read it and don't agree I will buy it from you.

It will change your parenting life.

Mean little boy?

May I recommend a book that could possibly help?

It's called "Parenting With Love and Logic", and if you can't find it in a nearby bookstore, I'm certain you should be able to find it online at Barnes %26amp; Nobles.

I've read the book and it was great, and my wife and I had the opportunity to go to a conference in which the author was the guest speaker.

Mean little boy?

lol thats funny i did simular things as a kid a later learned that i had adhd check in to that with his docter that will effect him later in his life

Mean little boy?

No wonder he is mean. You spank him. You are teaching him that hitting is okay. He sounds out of control. Stop spanking him. Read below.

Mean little boy?

He needs to be picked up and removed from other kids when he does that. If he hits you, put him in another room where there are no toys or diversions. You may have to do it several times before he realizes that it is not a good idea to hit. Hitting him is not a good idea because it re-enforces his idea that he can hit others.

Mean little boy?

Read "The Disipline Book" by Dr. William Sears.

and Never, ever hit your child...

Mean little boy?

he is probably acting that way because no one is actually correcting him. so you should spend more time with him also to make him more happy and secure.

Mean little boy?

My little boy is like that sometimes. He's just testing his limits don't let that worry you to much ask your sons doctor

Mean little boy?

my son was like that. he is now 14 years old. i can only tell you from our space that we went through hell before finding out what was up. my son ended up being alergic to something called sodium lactate. it's a flavor enhancer used in just about everything. chips to raw meats. sometimes it is listed and sometimes it is not. it is a natural by-product from the fermenting process, such as in pickles. we read lables and limited his intake where we could. it stores up in your body, so we had to give it a couple of weeks. he was truly transformed. he is such a loving kid now. we went through alot before getting to that point, including having him crisised to a facility. check it out with his diet. a therapist would save you both some pain. hope it helps.

Mean little boy?

Stop hitting your child. Your child is only copying what you are doing to him. Put him in timeout when he hits. Remove him from whatever is going on when he hits. Remove and isolate him. Choose a timeout location such as the bottom step in the house or a special chair that is away from the main activity in the house. Hold him on that spot if you have to at first but continue to explain that his behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Keep him there for about 2 minutes. If he gets up, the 2 minutes start over. Be prepared for a battle of wills but do not give up. Don't hit him. He will not understand why it is okay for you but not for him. If he is not getting negative attention when he acts this way, he will stop. Make sure you give him lots of positive attention and catch him when he is being good. Lavish him with praise when he is being good or does something good. He will begin to seek positive praise and attention instead of negative.

Mean little boy?

What is he watching on might have some to do with son thinks he is a POWER RANGER?

Mean little boy?

There is nothing wrong with spanking if it is used appropriately. Spanking is best used when the action the child is doing can cause injury to themselves or others. Such as Playing in the road, hanging out a window, etc. By not using spanking except in these becomes much more harsh and the child gets the point right away that it will NOT be tolerated. And never spank while your angry! This way... your child doesn't get the idea that when he/she is mad they need to hit what caused them too get mad. LIGHT spanking on the hand is a good way to correct BABIES and is used immediately only when they touch something that could be dangerous... they get the idea..."i just got an ouch 3 times for trying to touch gonna find something else to touch. It is not good to use past baby-hood (when they have limited understanding). When they are capable of understanding the more complex and tactful punishments... they work better. Time-out is your best answer for an 18 mo old. He will begin to understand when he hits people... he has to be alone and it's no fun... just remember to not give in and always follow through.

Mean little boy?

so you are hitting him but donot expect him to hit now how is the possible instead talk to him explain to him what is nice and what you want him to do ex playing with others he is to young to understanding sharing.

if he hits move him to a coner and for 2mins and then let him go and play and if he does it again then move him and he will catch on soon

Mean little boy?

Im not a parent or anything, but i do have experiance dealing with children like this. First of all, "...spank him on the butt he will hit back he will litteraly run after you to hit you when you walk away." Im assuming this is your first child. no offence. When you punish a child for hitting (this basically only applies to punishing them for injuring another person or animal) you dont want to hit them unless nothing else will work, then and only then would i resort to this. If the child has a favorite toy, when he hits take it away from him. and never back down. after you punish your child dont walk away. either stand near him or put him in a room by himself and tell him if it happens one more time he will be in more trouble. if he continues try telling him that he will not be able to play ever again if he continues. make sure that when he is being good you reward him with something small, such as a piece of candy or play a game with him. this will show him that there is a reason to be good

Mean little boy?

You can't really "correct" an 18 month old, and an18 month old doesn't mean to be mean. He can't really be mean until he's much older. Every single time he goes to hit or pull hair, you need to grab him immediately, get down to his eye level, say "no hitting" or "no hair pulling" firmly, and pick him up so you can redirect his attention to something else right away, so he can't continue the behavior. (As you swoop him up and away from the other child, you can say "Ooooooh, look at that big truck" or "Come on, we're gonna go get a big old drink of water!!!" ---or anything to distract him.)

It's just confusing for a child if you try to enforce a "no hitting" rule by hitting him. If he runs after you to hit you, you turn around quick, kneel down, and grab his wrists, and say clearly and firmly right into his face, "No hitting!" Then pick him up and distract him again, call his attention to something else right away--- "Ooooh, look, there's a little doggie, lets play with the little doggie " or whatever occurs to you. You have to move quickly though. If he throws things, same thing. You grab him, then kneel down at his eye level, and tell him immediately and firmly, "No throwing things!" and then IMMEDIATELY distract him---whisk him up and carry him off to a totally different activity. After you've done it a few times he should get it. When he's older you can tell him why there's no hitting and throwing things, but he won't really be able to understand any discussion of his behavior until he's four or five. Right now he just needs to be redirected.

Mean little boy?

He sounds very aggressive. My nephew started out like that and at age 9 was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. You might want to get him checked out.

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