Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

is "scene" or "indie"

I have an older son who told me this

It left my memory but now its back

I looked through her iTunes

here are some of her most listened to bands

Animal Collective

Vampire Weekend


Cold War Kids


The Fall of Troy

Bring me the horizon(SCARY)

her favorite stores would have to be




and this "hot topic" store

: Only Wears really tight jeans

and punkish shoes

she likes to wear her hair covering her face

shes sarcastic and a quite funny kid

shes 13

idk what this really is

im worried

is this... personality bad

will she become a bad child

is scene and indie dangerous?

shes not normally one of those girls who will do bad things


Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

No ofcourse not shes 13, this is the stage that shes trying out new things to see what she likes. Dont worry at all if you really want to know about this ask her opinions on it but dont imply that you dont like the style because shes still young and thats what probably "in" right now. My kids went through the same.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

no, that is her style

not her personality

i know a lot of girls that dress that way and they are very nice people

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

Let The Kid Be Who She Wants To Be.


Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

I have plenty of friends like that and they are just fine. None of them are bad and its just a fad/style. Don't worry about her.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

Thats not bad at all I'm like that too. It's just a style if she was emo then be scared but she's not so let her be.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

theres really nothing you can do, anything you try to do will just push her forwards into the emo lifestyle....just talk to her, and be supportive...

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

Most young teens go thru this stage. Dont worry about it. I love the band Paramore and im not scene or indie. She will most likely grow out of it. Just dont let her hang out with the wrong people and she will b fine.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

The only ones you really need to watch are the goth kids. Punk/Scene/Indie not so much.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?


alot of kids my age are like that..

i am 15.lol

but im preppy..

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

Shes just trying to find herself by looking like everyone else ironically. Just make sure that you a good mom to her so that she feels that she can talk to you without judgement. Watch who she hangs out with, SOME of them are into drugs.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

Scene is nothing but a ploy to get attention.

Being a scenekid in itself is not a sign that she has any problems. Most girls her age are like that.

My biggest concern is that you looked through her iTunes. I realize that you are her mother and feel you need to protect her, but even at her age, she needs some privacy.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

IDK, I'm about her age, and what she listens to and wears doesn't define her choices in life. She may look like smeone, but could be ttly different. I wouldn't worry, you most likely raised her well.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

no she acting out as a cause of something that happened there might be a problem i would ask her if anything is wrong and if not shes trying to fit in with ome kids at school but no its not dangerous

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

No, you're overreacting.

And what's wrong with those bands?

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

you need to let your daughter be whatever see wants

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Don't snoop in her iTunes, and don't worry about secret meanings of her taste in music. Just be honest and friendly with her.

If you don't have the feeling she's doing anything dangerous, she's probably not.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

if shes a good kid then i dont think you have anything to worry about........ i think you're just thinking to much of it because of what other people say...if your really worried about it then you should try talking to her and tell her how you feel.....hope this helps!!!!!!!

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

let her be who she wants to be. my mom started banning things in my life and i only started rebelling. i picked up bad habits like smoking and drinking. as a daughter who wishes her mom would understnad, please talk to her instead of banning things. she's a teen. she's most likely to change her views.

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It Is Probably Just A Phase.

Because At My School There Was Kids Like That Last Year And Came Back This Year Looking Normal. They See Someone Looking Or Acting Like Something And They Want To Be Like That Too.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

dont worry im the exact sam way. i dress like that, listen to that music. its just another "clique" like labels. even though we dont like to be labeled. dont be scared cuz most of those ppl are to scared to do anything bad. well those are posers. ppl who pretend to be like others. HATE THEM!

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

I don't think it is necessarily a bad trait if your kid is smart. I am friends with a few "scene" kids but only the ones i know don't do stupid s***. I wouldn't be super worried about it but still keep an eye on any behavior changes because it can get more intense as she gets older(I'm 16 by the way and not "scene").

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

Oh, come on. Let your poor kid be herself. If she isn't breaking the law or endangering herself or others, she's fine.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

no this scene is not bad. I went through that stage as well, it's just a different way of rebelling but, not towards your folks, in fact I personally think it is a much better way of rebelling than what other teenagers do, where they rebel against parents. This 'scene' is rebelling against political and deeper thinking children. it's the same as the way you may have rebelled if you were living in the sixties but, with a lot less of a voice, more of a quite voice not a loud one. Don't be worried, it's most likely a stage she's going through and it will either pass in high school or as soon as she realizes she needs to grow up and be an adult.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

she sounds like me! my mom tells me make new friends and pull my hair back cuz she thought i would become a really bad kid. I think its just a way to express yourself. I love shopping at those same stores and listening to that kind of music, and Im not a bad kid. I wouldnt worry about it unless she has done anything that is really dangerous or bad in the past then Id worry. But I would let her do what shes doing now.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

im 15 %26amp;%26amp; im scene

its just a way to express your self, to stand out and be different i listen to all the same bands too i LOVE- bring me the horizon:]

scene and indie are deffinatly not dangerous.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

There's nothing wrong with any of that..

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

Just because she listens to certain bands doesn't mean anything, and your style has nothing to do with your personality. She is who she is..

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

At this point, it sounds like she's just trying to get away from the standard "preppy" style of teenagers these days, so there's really nothing to be worried about. That doesn't mean you shouldn't watch for red flags with her, though, like you should with ANY child, regardless of style or personality.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

it's just the way she is.

she's 13 she may change sometime.

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

I %26lt;3 PARAMORE!!!

Misery Business 4ever

BTW, I'm a prep so don't judge by music

Help!?!? Daughter problems!? scene!?

its really normal. i listen to those bands and i love hot topic. thats just her style. lots of people are like this. and she probly wont become a bad child bcuz of all this just keep her in check and shell be fine.

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